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Whack-a-Mole to Holiness
Just as I was getting the hang of caring for my two babies under the age of two, I decided to add a third! Three days a week, I provide...
Collaboration Between Trust and Intuition
There is a beautiful collaboration between our personal intuition and the trust we have in the Lord.
Remembering the ROCORI School Shooting 21 Years Later- It's Never Too Late to Heal
Leah Brix reflects on the impact of the 2003 ROCORI school shooting.
You Have Heard about the Feminine Genius, but What About the Masculine Genius?
Sometimes when my husband Adam and I are out and about, we can be walking together, but our minds will be a million miles apart. I may...
Embracing Femininity; a Woman's True Power
I remember wondering why God didn’t make me a boy when I was younger. Sure, I had dreams of becoming a ballerina, but that lasted until...
Community Throughout the Years
I had a lovely phone call with a dear friend of mine this week. You are probably less than impressed that something like this is even...
Resisting the Modern-Day Forbidden Fruit
Dear reader, let me take you back to the beginning of our story. Let’s go back to the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve lived in harmony,...
Walking Side-by-Side
As many of you readers recall from past blogs, I used to be an avid runner. I loved it so much! After a cycle of health issues that...
We are an Easter People!
The first 30 days of Lent felt like a breeze. I gave up the usual social media and challenged myself to connect with God and my family...
St. Peter, an Incredible Story of Redemption
St. Peter was an impulsive and enthusiastic man. By the power of the Holy Spirit, he became a passionate and wise leader of the Church.
Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels Lenten Series Part 1- Bishop Neary's Witness of Christ's Love
I could see the sweat dripping from the brow of the well-meaning priest. He was anxiously pacing through the throng of people, reminding...
The Time when Fitness Consumed my Life
I used to consider myself an athlete. I never played sports in school, unless you count my experience with fifth-grade softball, but I...
Set Free
I am embarking on an impenetrable milestone in life. On January 29 it will be the fourteenth anniversary of my mother losing her life in...
His Mercies are New Every Morning
I have reached a mid-life spiritual crisis. I suppose you could say that I have been spiraling down for quite a while. I don’t know...
We Love Because He First Loved Us
The new year brings new beginnings. If you are anything like me, you have probably been reflecting on the events, life changes,...
Was Christmas Special Enough?
Last night I was sitting in my favorite chair, staring at my Christmas tree. It’s chaotic, with the bottom branches half empty and the...
Jesus, King of My Life
Today, the church celebrates the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, or Christ the King. Pope Pius XI instituted...
Suffering, A Kiss from Jesus
As a young girl, I suffered from migraines. My mom often got a call from the school nurse telling her I was in the office lying down with...
The Napless Road to Sanctification
This past week my teething daughter has struggled during nap time. The pain of her cutting teeth prohibited normal-length naps. I spent a...
The Imperfect Story of a Knitted Potholder
Dear wife and mother, Have you ever wondered how in the world did I get here? Like me, have you been pondering your past life experiences...
Put on a Happy Face
My sweet baby is now five months old. She is constantly melting hearts with her interactive smile! One evening at mass, I had her...
Unlocked by the Holy Spirit
Growing up, I didn’t know a whole lot about the Holy Spirit. To me, the Trinity consisted of God our Father, Jesus our Brother, and the...
He Has a Gift for You
Last weekend my oldest sister and her family hosted a Pentecost party! We gathered to celebrate the birthday of our church. Before we...
The Last Sin Eater
I know I’m late to the party, like usual, but I just discovered the awesomeness that is Audible. I actually gifted Adam with an Audible...
Pop Quizzes after Pentecost
“One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, time’s up!” These nagging words were followed by an aggressive shoulder tap from...
Spring Cleaning Burnout
Spring is officially upon us! We embraced the beautiful weather with countless walks around the neighborhood, iced coffee, and open...
Hosanna Through Donkey Ears
My back was killing me. It felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. My legs were tired. I was unsure of how long I could...
Once Upon a Time I Ran
I ran my first 5k when I was in my early twenties. Because of my overactive brain, I quickly bored of the repetitive movements of one...
Lord, Teach us how to Pray
As a twenty-two-year-old, I stood in front of a confirmation class and gave the most moving talk about prayer….or so I thought. I hit all...
The Comfort of Mary's Lap
As a first time mom, it is really hard to sift through all of the research, opinions, and personal testimonies that come my way. On top...
An Attitude of Gratitude
The week of Thanksgiving always stirs up conversations about the people and things in our lives that we are the most grateful for. We can...
My Insatiable Appetite for Learning
I have always loved learning for the sake of learning. When I cook supper, I will listen to podcasts ranging from Indigenous people in...
What is Next?
I have been teaching elementary music for the last 5 years, but this has been the first year that I am returning to the same school and...
Hotdish, Hand-Me-Downs and the Hail Mary
Hotdish, hand-me-downs and the Hail Mary. A frugal mom’s journey to sainthood. Does that sound familiar to you? If it does, I would be...
A Gift that is Freely Given
I have super exciting news!! God gave you, yes you, a set of unique skills and gifts that He empowers you to use to further His kingdom...
Being Afraid of the Doorbell
“Ding dong!” “Oh crap! It’s the doorbell!” I get a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. I am embarrassed by the rubber boots...
New School Year, New Family Goals
Two weeks ago, I wrote about recalibrating my life. In case you missed it, you can find it here- Recalibrating Each Season. Every new...
Never Tomorrow
“Why is it never tomorrow?” My frustrated 4-year-old asked me. I got tongue-tied as I tried to respond. “Tomorrow is just always the...
Transitional Hacks
There is a definite shift in the air this time of year. Not only are the days getting shorter and the temperature cooler, but there is a...
Recalibrating Each Season
Life isn’t measured by how much we accomplish, but by how well we loved. How closely did we resemble Christ Himself, and how effectively...
Ridiculous Red Ribbon Raspberries
On Tuesday of our county fair, the 4-H building comes to life with a sea of little people in green shirts, frazzled parents whose arms...
Normalizing Compliments
You can not deny that an unexpected compliment is the absolute best! Especially when it is from the mouth of someone you do not know! ...
Being Unafraid to Dream
When I was a little girl, I wanted to be a ballerina. This noble dream was quickly replaced by the desire to be a carpenter. This dream...
Caught Off Guard by Carrots
This past weekend my husband and I had a few people over for a bonfire. It was the first time that we really spent time in our backyard...
Sarcasm, a Venomous Sword
Remember the old nursery rhyme, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words may never hurt me.” Raise your hand if you have thought...
Summer and Steadfast Prayer
The transition into summer vacation was a breeze…or so I thought. This is the first school year that I am returning to the exact same...
Drama with Dynamite
Peter and I are garage sale junkies. We both see signs and instantly yell. “GARAGE SALE!!” My 10-year-old proceeds to yell, “TURN...
Lessons from a Talking Spider
I needed the perfect quote. Ok, ok, ok. So maybe I didn’t NEED it, but it was strongly suggested that I find myself a solid quote. I am...
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