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A look at the Past, a Peek at the Future

Leah Brix

Fresh start. Isn’t that feeling so freeing? A new chance to start over, a chance for reinvention, a chance to prove yourself! At least that is how I feel on January 1. Come January 2, I’m more like, um, no thanks. Remember how I failed for the LAST 10 YEARS IN A ROW??!! That being said, I had a great 2021 despite not keeping any of my New Year’s resolutions, and would love to share some of my fun with you!

It’s so cliché, but you know I’m going to start my list off with this blog. I blogged by myself years ago and enjoyed it but was so random that it fizzled out. For a while now I had the loved the idea of a sister’s blog, and it finally came to fruition! Abby keeps me focused and writes beautifully. Having the two of us working together creates accountability but it also decreases the workload which keeps this blog a source of joy, instead of a burden.

Finding joy
The blog is a source of joy

Baby Joe is next on my list of highlights. That little man is so sweet! He fits in just perfectly, and you would be surprised by the amount of people that have told me that they forgot that I even had a baby… he blends in so well and has adapted wonderfully to our natural daily routine. I take that as a huge compliment!

One thing that I am so excited to share with you all is finishing the Woman School. It was a six-month class that covered basically every area of my life. It might sound dramatic, and I usually am, but this class really did transform my life. I discovered that desire is means of the father, so those desires deep down in my heart just may have been planted there by God himself. What separates it from every other motivational speaker that I have ever listened to, or every other class I have taken, is the practicality of it. Instead of just getting me all fired up to do something amazing, it taught me how to learn the skills to make it happen. It sounds weird, but it is life changing. I have so much I could share about it and will willingly admit that my life has changed for the better, but for brevity’s sake, I 100% recommend this to every woman, ever. Amen. P.s. I am also proud of the fact that I stuck with it for so long and took it across the finish line. That in itself is a huge feat!

January Donovan, The Woman School
The Woman School

To keep things interesting and spicy, I want to add mind-mapping to the list. This is something that my dad introduced to me. I have played with it and have a system down that encompasses my life for this season brilliantly. Those of you type-A individuals might not appreciate it as much as I do, but with one glance I know exactly what is happening, what needs to be done, and where to refocus my attention. I have to mention that my EXTREMELY analytical husband once asked me why I don’t just make a master copy and print it off every day and just modify as needed. No. Just no. I have my 8 areas that I write out every day. Some categories are identical and get written out identically every single day, like my skill training and health areas, where others change. But I sit at my desk at night with my pack of Bic pens… I only use Bic pens… and I map out the next day. It’s part to-do list, part accountability, part meal plan, and mostly my sanity-keeper. I could write a whole blog series alone on why I have the categories I have, what some of the less obvious mean, and so on, but for now, here it is in all its practical glory.

There are so many blessings that I could go on and on, but I just had those on my heart to share! I want to acknowledge that we are really enjoying our parish life and are continuing to meet new families. We also joined a new homeschool co-op which has kept us pretty busy, and we are so blest to be getting to know these amazing families! Adam and I successfully completed a full year of having a formal date every single month. It was AWESOME and something that will again be made a priority in 2022 and hopefully every year after! Life is sure good over here on the Brix farm.

You probably zoned me out 500 words ago, but if you are still with me, can I share some exciting news for 2022??!! I wrote my first Children’s Book which I am hoping will make it’s debut in the early fall! It’s called St. Joseph’s Hammer and was inspired by the writings of St. Alphonus Liguouri as well as Fr. Don Calloway. It’s a HUGE project, but I have lots of knowledgeable people holding my hand as we work to complete it.

I hope you all can look back at your 2021 with a big smile on your face, but I hope your smile is just a bit brighter looking to the future. May the Holy Spirit guide you this year and inspire you to do many incredible things for God’s Kingdom.

Until next time my dear friends- your sister in Christ,



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