Today, September 15, 2024, we are welcoming our sweet baby girl into the Catholic church. At two and a half weeks old, she is receiving the Sacrament of Baptism. On this celebratory day, I would like to introduce the baby of the hour….Rose Theresa.

We welcomed Rose into the world on Thursday, August 29 at 10:28 am. We had a peaceful home birth with the guiding hands of a midwife. With praise and worship music playing in the background, I had a prayerful labor as I repeated over and over “Come, Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace” with each contraction.
When the time came to deliver little Rosie, the song What a Wonderful Name by Hillsong Worship played in the background. I could not think of a better anthem for her arrival. God had His hand in the naming process of our baby girl.
Shortly after my husband and I found out we were pregnant I was asked to participate in a night of prayer over Zoom for the Encounter School of Ministry. I met with four people from across the country who took turns praying over me and asking the Lord to reveal His heart for me. Before they began to pray, they asked if I had any specific prayer requests and I mentioned feelings of anxiety and inadequacy about mothering two children. After they began praying, one of the gentlemen on the other end of the call described an image of a rose that was firmly planted in the ground. There was a dove that flew above which symbolized the Holy Spirit. He then went on to explain that the rose was a symbol of my vocation as a mother and my relationship with God. During the next season of life, the Holy Spirit was going to lead both me and my family into a deeper relationship with God the Father. How exciting!!

After the Zoom call ended, my husband, who was quietly listening next to me, looked me in the eyes and asked, “What do you think about the name Rose for a baby girl?” I immediately fell in love with the name!
We did not find out if we were having a boy or girl so we spent the next eight months in anticipation.
I then remembered a card that was given to me months prior with an image of St Rose of Lima. I held onto the card for all those months not knowing how vital of a role she would play in my life. I truthfully believe my entire pregnancy was under the protection of St. Rose of Lima whose feast day just so happened to fall during the week leading up to my due date.
About six months into my pregnancy, I took a tumble down some cement stairs at my dad's farm. It had rained the night before and because I was wearing my garden shoes the stairs were slippery. I was holding my daughter and somehow managed to tuck and roll which protected both her and my pregnant belly. I scraped both knees, scuffed an elbow, and rolled an ankle, but by the grace of God, both of my babies were unharmed.
Even though I felt the baby kick and move in utero, I still felt nervous. On my way to sing for an event the next day I fervently prayed to God to give me a sign that my baby was okay!
Halfway through that event, I took a pause from singing and sat down in a church pew. A woman who had been singing in the choir sat down next to me. She placed a beautiful rosary bracelet on my wrist that was covered in pink roses! I immediately knew that my baby was okay!

The Lord in His generosity allowed me to see a few intricate details He designed for me long before I knew to look for them. On the day I went into labor, I noticed a blooming rose bush on our walking route I had never noticed before, and later my toddler randomly handed me a prayer card covered in roses. Our little Rosie is a true gift and I am honored to be her mother!
Heavenly Father, thank you for the gift of motherhood and for this new life you have entrusted to me. May my understanding of Your unfailing love grow as my capacity to love my children grows. I pray in thanksgiving for the gift of our Catholic faith and the opportunity to have our daughter baptized on this day! We give you all the praise and glory for each blessing, Amen!
Until next time, your sister in Christ,