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Building Community: The Power of Farm Women Coming Together

Guest Blogger

When you hear the word “Community” who are the people in your life that come to mind?

Maybe it’s your cul-de-sac neighbors, or perhaps the families that are a part of the same youth summer sport league or 4-H club. Is it the folks in your small town who are selling raffle tickets for the local Lions Club on Saturdays, and then turning around and selling tootsie rolls for the local Knights of Columbus on Sundays? The retired farmers who gather every morning to play cards and talk about the weather or maybe the women in your bible study group?

Are the communities in your life built organically by default or were these communities built and created intentionally?

When you google the term “Community” there are 2 definitions that pop up:

1. a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common 2. a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals

When I take a hard look at both definitions, a specific group of women comes to mind. This fabulous group of 8 farm women have intentionally built up their little community.

This group started to gather about 6 years ago with just a few farm women and has grown to 8 women by invite based on similar lifestyles and common backgrounds. Though these women may vary in age, they all dairy farm with their spouse full time and have kids about the same age who were active in either 4H or FFA.

Since all these women are dairy farmers, the best time to see each other is at high noon; right between morning and evening chores. They make a point to meet up for lunch a few times a year, traveling less than an hour from every direction, picking each other up along the way.

Lunch chatter consists of new happenings within the families, the farm, and the latest read book review. Each of these women are strong in their faith, regardless of the denomination. Vulnerably, these women share advice and new ideas amongst themselves.

There is a special bond that happens with farm women. This group of gals have the ability to see each other as an individual that brings her own flavor to the group. They each share in each other’s tears and joys with a sense of empathy and understanding.

Through the friendships made among these women, their little community has expanded to not only their spouses but also their children. The families have all become great friends, and have made a tradition in hosting the group at each other’s farms for a summer potluck each year.

Lucky enough, I have had the chance to get to know some of these families very well through my job in the dairy industry as an on-farm field tech. On multiple occasions, I found myself in the middle of some lighthearted farm-to-farm banter and playing “the little birdie” by relaying messages to each other with each farm visit. I cherish these unexpected friendships and consider this group a part of my personal community.

This group of women have made themselves an intentionally beautifully built, Christ-like Community, with a sense of belonging to each other and their families.

I do believe that everybody craves a sense of belonging. People crave quality and in-depth conversations with each other. I encourage you to find your connections, to find your like-

minded people, to find relatable folks, and to build your community.

The Lord will put you exactly where you need to be to find and create that community.

Your sister in Christ,

Hannah Molitor


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