For the last three weeks, we have shared with you a great message of hope. We have proclaimed the words our Holy Father, Pope Francis, boldly wrote about the year 2025 being a Jubilee year in his Papal Bull of Indiction. There is so much more to unpack about his commission of hope.
With hope as our guide, we can use this Jubilee year to focus on forgiveness, reconciliation, and renewal. I feel an invitation from the Holy Spirit not only for the Church at large but also for each one of us to re-establish a relationship with God and those around us.

I would love to invite you to a renewal of hope. Will you join me on a prayerful pilgrimage towards a personal jubilee?
Crack open your Bible and join me in praying through Isaiah 61:1. The Jubilee is a “year of the Lord’s favor.” Let us soak up the promise that this year is a time of celebration, rest, and deliverance. The Lord has so much in store for us, but we must boldly take a look into our hearts in order to receive all that He is desiring to give. It is through repentance that we are able to rise again renewed with God’s grace and redemption.
Dear reader, as you pray through the prompts below, I challenge you to lean in and be transparent with the Lord. These are places He would like to renew and restore. He wants to set you, the captive, free.
Isaiah 61:1
The Sprit of the Lord God is upon me, because the lord has anointed me;
Come, Holy Spirit! Enlighten my heart and mind so I may be an open vessel for all You desire to give me this year. Spirit of Truth, I pray for the grace to be honest about the places in my life where I am in need of repentance and redemption. Paraclete, you have anointed me and have a great commission for my life. Grant me the gift of vulnerability and unfasten my heart so I may be ready to receive.
He has sent me to bring good news to the afflicted, to bind up the brokenhearted
Where is the Lord asking you to hope in the midst of your disappointments and wounds?
Are you bound by chains of captivity? (Anxiety, Fear, Self-Reliance, Control, Perfectionism)
Will you allow the Fathers love to renew those places where the affliction has taken root?
To proclaim liberty to the captives, release to the prisoners.
Who in your life are you holding captive with unforgiveness or resentment?
Are you in need of forgiveness from someone? Can you forgive yourself?
Are you held prisoner by addiction or hopeless thoughts?
Will you allow the Fathers love to fill you with hope and release from the wounds and disappointments you carry?

Personal Jubilee
Loving Savior, You do not shy away from intimacy with me. You are unafraid to take me to the places that You want to heal. You provide me with comfort and hope when I am deep in the trenches of hopelessness or disappointment. You save. You heal. You set me free when I am held captive. You bind up my broken heart and replace my chains with freedom. Your name is great! Your name is holy and worthy of all my praise. And so, I praise You and I thank You for all that You have done in my life and all that You will do! Amen!
Until next time, your sister in Christ,
P.S. I am always drawn into deeper intimacy with our Lord through song. I wanted to share these three songs that have been moving my heart this week.