Purpose of Lent
Lent is a beautiful season for the Catholic Church. It is marked by reflection, repentance, and renewal. Lent mirrors the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert praying and resisting temptations. We use this time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to reflect on Christ's sacrifice and make room for the Lord to highlight the areas of our lives where we need repentance or spiritual growth.

Try not to overwhelm yourself with impossible Lenten resolutions you give up on. Instead, find a way to pray that leads you into dialogue with Our Lord. Find a way to fast that brings you joy in offering this small suffering in union with Jesus' suffering. And find a way to give alms that you are answering the call of Jesus when He said, "I was hungry, and you gave Me to eat..."
We have compiled a list of ways to enhance your Lent this year! If you do not have a Lenten plan, we encourage you to read it prayerfully. How is the Lord calling you deeper this year?
Lent is a great time to adopt an extra prayerful discipline. When we are tempted to cave on our Lenten fasts, we are given an opportunity to turn to prayer. Through prayer, we gain spiritual confidence and strength by pursuing a relationship with the Lord.
Morning Offering
Nightly Examen of Conscience
Daily Rosary
Decade of Rosary
Chaplet of Divine Mercy
Daily Mass Readings
Read about a new saint every day
Stations of the cross
On your own or attend at church
Daily Prayer Journal
Angelus 3x day
Weekly Eucharistic Adoration
Find a spiritual director
Participate in a prayer opportunity at your parish
Attend a local Lenten talk/meditation
Find a Lent meditation book
When we give up luxuries, comfort, food, or our favorite entertainment, we create a place of 'hunger' that only the Lord can satisfy.
**Fasting can be done every day or just on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Social media
White lies or “big fish stories”
Coffee or just the creamer
Eating between meals
Snooze button
Mindless snacking
Phone in the bathroom
Amazon shopping
The bathroom scale
Texting while driving
Buying bottled water
Carrying phone around all day (put it in a central location and check it periodically )
Hot showers
The practice of almsgiving during Lent provides an opportunity to demonstrate the virtue of charity by donating money, goods, or time to those in need.
Give of your time
Parish ministry you have always been interested in
Faith Formation catechist or sub
Maintenance or yard work of church grounds
Lead rosary before mass
Livestream/screen operator
Food shelf or soup kitchen
Pregnancy resource center
Nursing home
Local school
Prison Ministry
Send handwritten letters, could be thank you, could be to reconnect
Intentionally staying off your phone when you are with other people
Take money saved from meatless Friday meals and give it to your favorite charity
Pregnancy Resource Center
Favorite or local non-profit
Walk for 20 minutes a day to “die to oneself”
Intentionally doing a household chore for another family member.
**Bonus if you pray for them while doing their task.
Turn off the music while driving and replace it with Catholic radio or a fun podcast, or choose to drive in silence.
Adopt a “Lenten wardrobe” and limit your closet to a few selected items.

Our prayer for you this Lent is that you find small, simple ways to grow in your relationship with Jesus. May the Holy Spirit guide and inspire your Lenten journey so you may be transformed into a new creation and rise with Christ on Easter morning!
Loving Jesus, we thank You for the season of Lent. We thank You for the opportunity to grow closer to You as we fast from worldly desires, intentionally spend time with You in prayer, and give our resources to those in need. Holy Spirit, inspire our Lenten journey so we may become more like You. Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil (Matthew 6:13). Amen!
Until next time, your sisters in Christ,
Abby and Leah
*If you are looking for specific resources, like book or podcast recommendations, don't hesitate to contact us! We would love to help you experience the best Lent ever!