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Names of God Series; Abba, The Greatest of Fathers

Abby Thomas

Close your eyes and think about your father. You might feel warmth recalling his love, or perhaps anxiety as you remember his hurtful voice or actions. Maybe you don't feel anything at all or are met with a deep ache because your father was never there. We all have a father, whether we know him or not. Our relationship with him might be strong or fractured, but without him, we wouldn't exist. 

A man in a white shirt gently cradles a sleeping baby in a white patterned onesie. The setting is softly lit, conveying warmth and tenderness.

Our parents made a choice and with the collaboration of God we came into existence. Before anything else, we are children. Our identity is rooted in our daughterhood and sonship.  We are not only sons and daughters of our earthly parents but also of a heavenly Father who’s love goes beyond our understanding. 

I invite you to close your eyes once more, and reflect on God, your heavenly Father. What feelings arise? Is it a similar experience to what you felt when you thought about your earthly father? 

In the Bible, we hear Jesus refer to God as Abba, an intimate form of father. Abba is not a father who hurts His children. He is not a father who abandons His children and He would never misinterprets them. 

It can be hard to fully understand the extent of Abba's love for us because we often depict who He is through our earthly experiences. Our parental figures might fail to see us, truly know us, or show us love in a way that we need. Even the very best mothers and fathers of the world cannot measure up to the magnitude of God. Abba is a Father who loves His children deeply and unconditionally. 

A man embraces a young girl in a grassy field, kissing her head. The girl smiles, wearing a denim jacket. Trees in the blurred background.

Join me as I highlight a few qualities seen in some of my favorite earthly fathers that reflect Abba, our Father!

When I look at my earthly father, I see a big man with great influence on his community. As a little girl, I remember looking at the size of his shoes and thinking he was the biggest and toughest man on earth. His hands are so large that during our father/daughter dance at my wedding I could only hold onto his thumb. When he reads at church, many people comment on his powerful and clear voice, and compare it to the voice of God. His physical size draws me into focusing on the immensity of God. He has a large capacity for me because He is Mighty. He is Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Who Provides). He is a Strong Tower. He is the Most High

My father-in-law is one of the most attentive men I know. He pays attention to every single detail, and nothing gets missed. He is a great example of God’s ability to know me through and through. In Luke's gospel, we are affirmed that God knows each hair on our head (Luke 12:7). Abba is the Wonderful Counselor. He is El Roi (The God who sees me). 

Every time I see my husband with our daughters, my love for him grows. He is gentle and compassionate, patient and kind. I know my daughters feel secure in his arms. Observing his approachable interactions with our children shows me that Abba is available to me as well. Nothing is insignificant for Him, and He desires my heart. He is the Prince of Peace. He is Emmanuel. He is our Dwelling Place

A joyful child in a plaid shirt runs ahead in a sunny field, followed by a smiling woman and man. Bright, grassy open space setting.

Thank you, Abba, for the gift of Your overflowing and never-ceasing love. Deepen our understanding of You so we may love You fully. You make Yourself known through Your many names and titles and have a great capacity for each of Your children leaning into Your Fatherly embrace. You encompass all of the best qualities we find in our earthly father, and so much more. May we reflect those same qualities and use them to draw others into intimacy with You, Abba. Amen!

Until next time, your sister in Christ,



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