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Star of Wonder, Star of Might

Abby Thomas

The visitation of the Three Wise Men has always been a mystery to me. I remember trying to process how these three guys knew about the birth of the Christ Child and why they felt it was important to pay him homage. It is not like they were able to catch the Breaking News Story “The Son of God, Born in a Stable” on CNN.

What they did have was a shining star to follow and the prophetic word of Micah boldly proclaiming the birth of a ruler in Bethlehem who will shepherd God's people. (Matthew 2:6)

You see, these three distinguished foreigners were astrologers. They studied the night sky and I’m sure with some Divine Influence they knew this one particular star was special. There was an ancient belief that the appearance of a new star indicated the birth of a new Ruler. They boldly stepped out in faith and followed the star as long as it took to meet sweet Jesus in the manger.

Silhouetted camels and riders cross a dune against a golden sunset backdrop, creating a serene desert scene.

Let's journey with the Three Wise Men as we reflect on the refrain from the common Christmas song “We Three Kings”.

“Star of Wonder, Star of Might. Star with Royal beauty bright. Westward leading still proceeding, guide us to thy perfect Light.”

Star of Wonder: This astounding star must have been an unbelievably beautiful sight. Striking awe into the hearts of those who noticed. Our God is a God of wonder who carries out miraculous works that lead us to encountering Him in new ways. The Magi’s hearts must have been filled with wonder as they pondered the person they would meet at the end of their journey. We too, are filled with awe and wonder as we reflect on each intricate detail of our Lord's life and the ways that He is moving in our lives. In what ways is God striking wonder into your heart? How is He moving and drawing you closer to Him?

Star of Might: Someone with great might has the capacity to do great things. The infant Jesus had the might to change our salvation history and still has the might to change/convert our hearts with each encounter we have with Him. We often reflect on the gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh that were given to Jesus by the Magi, but how mighty was the gift that they received from the Infant? What is Jesus giving you?

Star with Royal beauty bright: The three Wise Men listened to their intuition and followed the star with the intent of meeting a new ruler! They took a faith filled risk! What if they were wrong and Jesus, the newborn Ruler of the World, did not meet them at the stable? What if they traveled all that way for nothing? They did not let their doubts stop them from meeting our Lord. Are you holding onto doubts or fears that are hindering your closeness to the Lord? Is Jesus calling you to step out in faith? Follow the confidence and courage of the Magi!

Even though we are leaving the Christmas season liturgically, I pray that you have the boldness of the Magi to travel as long as it takes to meet Jesus in the manger and allow his Wonder and Might to transform your heart this year!

Until Next Time~Your Sister in Christ,



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