This past week my teething daughter has struggled during nap time. The pain of her cutting teeth prohibited normal-length naps. I spent a longer duration of time rocking her to sleep than the amount of time she actually slept. As desperation kicked in, I began bargaining with the Lord. I began praying rosaries and divine mercy chaplets while rocking her to sleep with the expectation that the Lord would make her sleep. But she still fought each nap. It turns out that the Lord does not agree with transactional relationships.

Regardless of my efforts to bribe Him, He did not give in. Day after day I worked tirelessly to get the baby to nap without success. Anger and resentment crept into my heart and eventually, I lost my temper and had to leave the room. While she cried out for her mama, I cried out to the Lord as I yelled, “Where are you? Why won’t you help me?”
I was desperate. I was tired. I felt abandoned. I felt alone.
The precise expectations and restrictions I had for the Lord hindered my ability to see the ways He was already walking alongside me. He was indeed helping me the whole time. He was showing me how to grow in patience and steadfast love for my daughter. He was strengthening my endurance during challenging situations. It was all part of His plan to lead me to sanctification.
This upcoming week we celebrate All Saints Day and All Souls Day. As we call to mind the saints of God who have gone before us, let us pray for their intercession. They have walked in our shoes and lived lives similar to ours. Chances are they did not always obey the Lord or trust in His ways. They probably set high expectations for the Lord only to get frustrated with Him answering differently.

I challenge you to ask the Holy Spirit to place a specific saint in your life this month. Allow them to walk with you and teach you. Study their life and converse with them in prayer. The communion of saints is literally with God in heaven and is ready to intercede for us!
All holy men and women, saints of God, pray for us!
Until next time, your sister in Christ,