If there is one thing in the entire world my phlegmatic husband can not stand…its small talk. His ideal haircut would be sitting in silence and not having to answer the stylists questions about his wife or job. If anyone knows my husband, they will agree, that he is not a standoffish kind of guy. He simply hates small talk. It is probably just a guy characteristic but the reality is that it's simply easier to communicate with someone with similar interests or experiences.
Shortly after I found out that I was pregnant I began meditating on our Blessed Mothers life. It was like she was knocking on my heart and reintroducing herself to me now that we share the experience of pregnancy. It began with the Annunciation when she found out that she was pregnant. Her Fiat or yes to the will of God literally changed the salvation of the world. Mary has since continued to affirm my fiat and yes to motherhood by placing the maternal influence of other women in my life!
There is a silent pact that accompanies pregnancy. As soon as other mothers find out you are pregnant they cut straight to the point. They dont waste time with small talk. They send podcasts or book titles to read. They offer to help with day to day tasks if you are not feeling well. They know the deeper questions to ask. And they share their experiences with pregnancy, labor, childbirth, and postpartum.
This is exactly what I picture happening when Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Within seconds of hearing Mary's greeting, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and exclaimed,
“Most blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. And how does this happen to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me?” (Luke 1:42-44).

Did you notice how they skipped over the small talk and jumped right into rejoicing over one anothers pregnancy! Elizabeth boldly affirmed Mary in her mission to be the Mother of our Lord!
We have now entered into the second week of Advent. It is during this week that we focus on the virtue of Peace. It is so beautiful to witness the peace overshadows Mary as her Love for her unborn baby grows. Love was what brought these two women together. Love is what formed the babies in their wombs. Love and an over abundance of peace are the reason Mary traveled long and far to support her cousin's pregnancy. Did Mary suffer from first trimester fatigue? Was she struggling with morning sickness on her trip? We do not know her physical experience with pregnancy, but we do know Mary’s spiritual experience through her Magnificat.
During this second week of Advent, let us reflect on our own spiritual experiences. I encourage you to read over the story of the Visitation and pray with Mary’s Magnificat.* Are there people in your life who have rejoiced over you and your obedience to God's will? I encourage you to say a prayer of thanksgiving for those individuals and ask for the Blessed Mothers intercession to grow in the virtue of love as we draw closer to the birth of our Lord at Christmas.
Until Next Time~Your Sister in Christ,
*You can find the story of the Visitation in Lukes gospel. (Luke 1:39-56)