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Coming Home Series; The Power of Silence
My dear friends, we must fight hard against the dictatorship of noise and allow our homes to be a sanctuary of rest.
The Saints and Me Series; a Saint For Everything!
Earlier this week my mother-in-law and I spent the day at the mall. Our shopping spree was coming to a close when panic started setting...
The Saints and Me Series; Discovering My Spiritual Namesake: St. Margaret Mary of Alacoque
In total transparency, I have never put much thought into my namesake until recently. Growing up, I remember once asking my dad for a...
Litany of the Overwhelmed Mom
On Tuesday I went to my Holy Hour all by myself. It was almost painfully quiet as I missed the shifting of wiggly bodies, constant...
Our Baptismal Role
My husband and I have taken on the role of sponsoring couples preparing to have their child baptized in our parish cluster. We invite...
The Holy Spirit, the Breath of the Divine
Farmers are obsessed with the weather. It is their go-to conversation regardless of where you see them, when you talk to them, or why...
Baking Bread with the Bread of Life
Wouldn't you agree there is nothing better than freshly baked bread? Anytime I enjoy a piece of homemade bread, I am brought back to my...
Children's Explanation of Eucharistic Adoration
This past week I was asked to chat with our parish Faith Formation students about Eucharistic Adoration. I gave them a short little...
We are an Easter People!
The first 30 days of Lent felt like a breeze. I gave up the usual social media and challenged myself to connect with God and my family...
Hope in The Darkness
March is a special month for me. It is the month my husband Nick and I welcomed our son Jack into the world. His time on earth was short,...
Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard, and Touching the Untouchable. A Mom Reflects on Jesus Meeting the Leper in Luke's Gospel
I begin to tell them of this unbelievable man Who saw me when no one else saw me. Who heard me when no one else heard me and Who touched me
Jesus was Rejected Too
Jesus experienced public cruelty long before His walk to Calvary. During his passion, Jesus was betrayed, physically and emotionally...
His Mercies are New Every Morning
I have reached a mid-life spiritual crisis. I suppose you could say that I have been spiraling down for quite a while. I don’t know...
In the Beginning, God Created the Angels
“If you find it impossible to pray, hide behind your good angel and charge him to pray in your stead.”
-St. John Vianney
Angels Among Us
Anytime I mentioned being afraid, my mom would say, “Pray to your guardian angel.” And so, when I was too scared to walk across the farm...
Angels, the Original Guardians of the Galaxy
Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love commits me here, ever this day, be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide....
Suffering, A Kiss from Jesus
As a young girl, I suffered from migraines. My mom often got a call from the school nurse telling her I was in the office lying down with...
Pop Quizzes after Pentecost
“One Mississippi, two Mississippi, three Mississippi, time’s up!” These nagging words were followed by an aggressive shoulder tap from...
Hosanna Through Donkey Ears
My back was killing me. It felt like I was carrying the weight of the world. My legs were tired. I was unsure of how long I could...
Introduction to Discovery Prayer
Two weeks ago, I shared St. Teresa of Avila’s formula for contemplative prayer. Her 5-step process is a perfect guide for learning how...
Pray Hardest when it’s Hardest to Pray
We have a sign in our basements that reads “Pray Hardest when it’s Hardest to Pray.” When my father-in-law gifted us this sign I thought...
St. Teresa of Avila's Guide to Personal Prayer
For some people, mental prayer is a breeze. For others, it is an overwhelming, mysterious prayer practice that is way out of their...
Lord, Teach us how to Pray
As a twenty-two-year-old, I stood in front of a confirmation class and gave the most moving talk about prayer….or so I thought. I hit all...
Momento Mori
In the Kingdom of the Eternal Vast Provinces number three All sights set on Jerusalem the Heavenly City. Residents of the earthly realm...
A Path to Eternal Rest
For over a year, I have been a part of a small group that has really transformed my heart and prayer. The three of us women have become...
Summer and Steadfast Prayer
The transition into summer vacation was a breeze…or so I thought. This is the first school year that I am returning to the exact same...
Surrounding Yourself with Prayer Warriors
"Ding!" I open up the ol' flip phone to see a text from one of my sisters, asking if anyone of us was interested in 3 goats. She had a...
The Scapular
Yank- “OUCH!” I got rope burn on my neck for the billionth time. I have been in the habit of wearing a brown scapular around my neck...
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