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When it's NOT the Most Wonderful Time of the Year- Navigating the Heartache around the Holidays
Christmas is a great reason to celebrate, but so often people experience heartache and hurt.
Whack-a-Mole to Holiness
Just as I was getting the hang of caring for my two babies under the age of two, I decided to add a third! Three days a week, I provide...
Trump Palm Beach Election Party and the Voices of America
Each region of our country, each community, and each family all have their own unique story to tell. Are we taking the time to listen?
The Saints and Me Series; a Saint For Everything!
Earlier this week my mother-in-law and I spent the day at the mall. Our shopping spree was coming to a close when panic started setting...
The Saints and Me Series; St. John the Beloved
Our crosses can be so scary and heavy sometimes, but when we come to Our Lord in worship, it gives us the strength to stand at the cross.
The Saints and Me Series; St. Monica, a Prayerful Mother
Following the example of St. Monica, I turned to prayer!
Blessed with a Rose
Today, September 15, 2024, we are welcoming our sweet baby girl into the Catholic church. At two and a half weeks old, she is receiving...
You Have Heard about the Feminine Genius, but What About the Masculine Genius?
Sometimes when my husband Adam and I are out and about, we can be walking together, but our minds will be a million miles apart. I may...
Two Mamas in Heaven
I have officially reached the final days of this pregnancy. By the end of the month, I will have a newborn in my arms! I am so thankful...
Embracing Femininity; a Woman's True Power
I remember wondering why God didn’t make me a boy when I was younger. Sure, I had dreams of becoming a ballerina, but that lasted until...
Community Throughout the Years
I had a lovely phone call with a dear friend of mine this week. You are probably less than impressed that something like this is even...
Season to Invest in Community
A few months ago, I was chatting with a friend after Mass, and she said something that really resonated with me. We were discussing how...
Couch, Comfort, and Community
Comfort and community go hand-in-hand. When you are comfortable, you are more likely to be yourself and dive deeper into the community...
Building Community: The Power of Farm Women Coming Together
When you hear the word “Community” who are the people in your life that come to mind? Maybe it’s your cul-de-sac neighbors, or perhaps...
How to be a Tough Catholic Dad-An Interview with Leah and Abby's Father
As a fun way to celebrate Father's Day, we would like to introduce the man who raised us, Joe Molitor! We hope you enjoy getting to know...
Mother, Queen of her Home
My “twins” are 4 and 6. Like many young girls, they LOVE princesses. Lucy, my hilarious dimple-cheeked 4-year-old told me that she is...
Trouble with Candles
Several weeks ago, my three oldest sons had the privilege to serve for the Stations of the Cross. One carried the crucifix and the other...
Hope in The Darkness
March is a special month for me. It is the month my husband Nick and I welcomed our son Jack into the world. His time on earth was short,...
Seeing the Unseen, Hearing the Unheard, and Touching the Untouchable. A Mom Reflects on Jesus Meeting the Leper in Luke's Gospel
I begin to tell them of this unbelievable man Who saw me when no one else saw me. Who heard me when no one else heard me and Who touched me
Jesus was Rejected Too
Jesus experienced public cruelty long before His walk to Calvary. During his passion, Jesus was betrayed, physically and emotionally...
Hosting Jesus
Cooking is hard. It is a skill that I have never been good with. I do it because my family has to eat, but the outcome could be better....
Encounters with Jesus in the Gospels Lenten Series Part 1- Bishop Neary's Witness of Christ's Love
I could see the sweat dripping from the brow of the well-meaning priest. He was anxiously pacing through the throng of people, reminding...
Set Free
I am embarking on an impenetrable milestone in life. On January 29 it will be the fourteenth anniversary of my mother losing her life in...
Was Christmas Special Enough?
Last night I was sitting in my favorite chair, staring at my Christmas tree. It’s chaotic, with the bottom branches half empty and the...
The Napless Road to Sanctification
This past week my teething daughter has struggled during nap time. The pain of her cutting teeth prohibited normal-length naps. I spent a...
The Prodigal Son
Dear readers, the words below are taken from a post written a few years ago when we were writing about parables. I wanted to share them...
To Let Yourself Be Loved
The identity of being a daughter just may be the hardest one for us to accept.
The Imperfect Story of a Knitted Potholder
Dear wife and mother, Have you ever wondered how in the world did I get here? Like me, have you been pondering your past life experiences...
Motherhood is a Battlefield
As a little girl, I envisioned motherhood. I had a little doll named Kate that I cared for with my whole being. There are photos of my...
Reckless Love
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her… So husbands ought to love their own wives as their...
From Fear to Perfect Love
If you have been following along for the last few posts in our marriage series, you will find a common theme: God places your spouse into...
14 Years of Marriage on Display
I have been blogging here for a while now and feel that I have poured my heart out to you and have become your close friend. So please...
10 Tips For a Thriving Marriage
“Marriage is to help married people sanctify themselves and others. For this reason, they receive a special grace in the sacrament which...
Connective Glue
It has been four years since my husband and I went on our first date. The last four years have been a whirlwind of maturity and change...
Misery in Marriage
There I was, cruising down the highway on a gorgeous July afternoon a few weeks ago. I was heading home from running a few errands and...
My Favorite Love Story
I would like to tell you about one of my favorite love stories. I have had quite a dating history. There was a season when I felt like I...
Put on a Happy Face
My sweet baby is now five months old. She is constantly melting hearts with her interactive smile! One evening at mass, I had her...
Fortitude-How an International Friendship Blossomed
Welp, now what. I just finished my first week of classes in my domestic exchange program at Arizona State University and came to the...
A Day of Dual Celebration
One chilly October Sunday in 2017, we celebrated the 100-year anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima in our local parish....
The Years are Short, but the Mass sure is Long...
This past weekend our family attended mass at a church where we were very active parishioners over a decade ago. I always joke that we...
The Voice of Her Mama
For nine long months, while my daughter was safely tucked away in my womb, she heard me sing! It came as no surprise that my voice is a...
Making Time for Date Night and Morning Prayer
My husband and I committed to monthly date nights a few years ago. It is only possible because they are written on the calendar in...
Lost at the Great Mall of America
Five years ago we took our family to Sea Life Aquarium, which is located inside the great Mall of America. It was an awesome afternoon...
The Paradox of Loss and Life
Abby: The moment I woke up Monday morning I knew something was off. I felt so agitated and overwhelmed. My head was spinning as I thought...
A Cry for Help from One Baby to Another
“Hello Abby, any news on that baby yet? If not, you can join us for the March for life on Sunday. That will for sure get things...
A Father's Love
I renew my Consecration to Mary every day but I officially made my DeMonfort Consecration to Mary with my wife Shirley 40 years ago. Leah...
The Secret Pact of Pregnancy
If there is one thing in the entire world my phlegmatic husband can not stand…its small talk. His ideal haircut would be sitting in...
The Wounded Rivalry
Growing up, the eight Molitor sisters were divided….the ‘older girls’ and the ‘younger girls.’ I was number 6 of 8 so of course I was...
New School Year, New Family Goals
Two weeks ago, I wrote about recalibrating my life. In case you missed it, you can find it here- Recalibrating Each Season. Every new...
Is My House Really that Messy?
Each August my mother-in-law and her sister spend an entire Saturday shopping at the mall. This tradition has quickly become one of my...
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